On the weekend of 28/29 November 2015, as world leaders arrive in Paris for the major UN climate summit, people will take to the streets in hundreds of cities and regional centres around the globe as part of the largest climate mobilisation ever.
Here in Coffs Harbour, Coffs Coast Climate Action Group is inviting a diverse range of groups from the environment, social justice, community, health and labour sectors, faith groups, Indigenous and Pacific Islander communities and many others, to join in a local action, in recognition that climate change is an "everyone and everything" issue.
Global warming threatens our health, our families, our communities, our economy and jobs, our environment, and our land, food and water. People everywhere are coming together to protect our common future.
Our vision in coming together at this crucial time is to:
1. Demonstrate the huge public support for real action on climate and for the clean energy transformation that is already occurring;
2. Push our political leaders to commit to bold solutions at the UN talks;
3. Build a stronger and more connected movement in our region, bridging across the political, cultural and social spectrums, a movement that will continue well beyond Paris.
Suggested ways you, your organisation or group can be involved:
1. Be involved in the promotion and organising of the 29 November mobilisation: please discuss with us or come along to a Coffs Coast Climate Action Group planning meeting, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 5pm, Anglican Church meeting room, McLean St, Coffs Harbour;
2. Participate in the lead up events during October and November (see listing here);
3. Work with local groups and individuals in your sector to encourage conversations, involve them in these events and help them find their place in the climate movement;
4. Join the rally 12noon, Sunday 29 November, Jetty Beach, Coffs Harbour: promote attendance with your staff, members, networks and/or supporters; come with an identifiable ‘contingent’ at the rally to publicly demonstrate your active support;
5. Let us know if you have something else you would like to contribute to the mobilisation: a speaker, equipment, music, something else creative?
Together, we can help create a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities for generations to come. Are you in?
We'd love to hear from you: contact us.
Share the facebook event here.
For more information about the Australia-wide People’s Climate Marches, see: http://peoplesclimate.org.au/
For background information on the UN Climate talks, see: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jun/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-paris-climate-summit-and-un-talks
Here in Coffs Harbour, Coffs Coast Climate Action Group is inviting a diverse range of groups from the environment, social justice, community, health and labour sectors, faith groups, Indigenous and Pacific Islander communities and many others, to join in a local action, in recognition that climate change is an "everyone and everything" issue.
Global warming threatens our health, our families, our communities, our economy and jobs, our environment, and our land, food and water. People everywhere are coming together to protect our common future.
Our vision in coming together at this crucial time is to:
1. Demonstrate the huge public support for real action on climate and for the clean energy transformation that is already occurring;
2. Push our political leaders to commit to bold solutions at the UN talks;
3. Build a stronger and more connected movement in our region, bridging across the political, cultural and social spectrums, a movement that will continue well beyond Paris.
Suggested ways you, your organisation or group can be involved:
1. Be involved in the promotion and organising of the 29 November mobilisation: please discuss with us or come along to a Coffs Coast Climate Action Group planning meeting, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 5pm, Anglican Church meeting room, McLean St, Coffs Harbour;
2. Participate in the lead up events during October and November (see listing here);
3. Work with local groups and individuals in your sector to encourage conversations, involve them in these events and help them find their place in the climate movement;
4. Join the rally 12noon, Sunday 29 November, Jetty Beach, Coffs Harbour: promote attendance with your staff, members, networks and/or supporters; come with an identifiable ‘contingent’ at the rally to publicly demonstrate your active support;
5. Let us know if you have something else you would like to contribute to the mobilisation: a speaker, equipment, music, something else creative?
Together, we can help create a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities for generations to come. Are you in?
We'd love to hear from you: contact us.
Share the facebook event here.
For more information about the Australia-wide People’s Climate Marches, see: http://peoplesclimate.org.au/
For background information on the UN Climate talks, see: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jun/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-paris-climate-summit-and-un-talks